Food And Water Watch: Pressure Builds on Governor Murphy to Stop Transco Pipeline Project
Pressure Builds on Governor Murphy to Stop Transco Pipeline Project
Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued its final Environmental Impact Assessment of the Williams/Transco Northeast Enhancement Supply project. The gas expansion plan includes a massive 32,000 horsepower compressor station in Franklin Township, and 23 miles of pipeline in Old Bridge and under the Raritan Bay.
Today, the Assembly Oversight, Reform, and Federal Relations Committee will consider a resolution opposing the project (AR164/SR94).
Food & Water Watch Central Jersey Organizer Junior Romero released the following statement:
“Assemblyman Joe Danielson’s resolution reflects deep community opposition to this polluting fossil fuel infrastructure. Residents are speaking out to to protect public safety in their communities, and this resolution speaks to the grassroots organizing to stop Williams from polluting our air, endangering marine life in the Raritan Bay, and expanding unnecessary fossil fuel infrastructure in the Garden State.
“The Trump administration is determined to approve these dirty energy projects. It is up to Governor Murphy to protect New Jersey’s air and water. If the governor wants to be seen as leader on climate change who stands up to Trump’s pro-polluter environmental agenda, he must stop the Williams fracked gas pipeline and compressor station.”