Food and Water Watch: The Right Fix for Chemours Waste Dumping Law is a Ban on Frack Waste

The Right Fix for Chemours Waste Dumping Law is a Ban on Frack Waste


On May 30, Governor Murphy issued a conditional veto of S879, a bill written to give the Chemours Dupont facility in Salem County approval to begin operations without applying for new permits under the Hazardous Waste siting act.


Food & Water Watch Policy Advocate Lena Smith issued the following statement in response:

“Food & Water Watch applauds Governor Murphy’s decision to stand up to a corporation with a long history of contaminating New Jersey’s drinking water. This bill was their most recent attempt to pollute our waterways with hazardous waste, including waste from fracking. This veto protects the health and safety of New Jersey residents, and ensures that the Delaware River continues to provide safe, clean drinking water for millions of people.


“Now lawmakers must go further. Governor Murphy campaigned on a commitment to ban the dumping of fracking waste, and after he was elected be reiterated his preference for keeping fracking waste out of New Jersey. There is currently a bill in the legislature (S678, A1329) that would effectively ban fracking waste statewide. Lawmakers should pass that measure, just as they did during the Christie administration, and present it to Governor Murphy to sign into law.


“There is another action that the governor can take to protect the Delaware River. The Delaware River Basin Commission is considering new rules that could open the watershed to fracking waste. It is imperative that Governor Murphy takes the strongest position possible and support a complete ban on fracking, frack waste, and water withdrawals in the watershed.


“The veto is a testament to the power of the movement to ban fracking in New Jersey,  which campaigned during the Christie years to ban fracking waste, and continues to call for a ban on fracking and fracking waste. We will continue to fight the Chemours Dupont facility’s attempts to bring fracking waste into New Jersey, and call on the legislature to enact a ban on fracking waste.”




Release available here:

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