Former Bayonne Mayor Endorses Bob Hugin

Former Bayonne Mayor Endorses Bob Hugin
MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — Former Bayonne Mayor Richard Rutkowski is the latest prominent New Jersey Democrat to endorse Bob Hugin’s campaign for U.S. Senate, adding to the growing list of people crossing party lines to send the Marine Corps Veteran and job creator to Washington, D.C.
“Bob Hugin has demonstrated a genuine interest in putting divisive party politics aside to develop a bi-partisan consensus to address issues such as improving the health care system and getting Washington to be more responsive to the needs of people in New Jersey. I’m tired of watching the ineffective, partisan gamesmanship in our nation’s capital," said Rutkowski. “As a former Army infantry officer, I believe it’s time to send in a Marine. It’s time to send in Bob Hugin,” said Rutkowski.
From 1990 to 1994, Rutkowski served as Mayor of Bayonne after serving as an at-large city councilman from 1978 to 1986. For many years, he operated and owned his well known family business, Hi Hat Caterers.
The former mayor is the namesake of Bayonne’s Richard A. Rutkowski Park, which is located on the city’s waterfront.
“I’m thankful for the support of Mayor Rutkowski, who shares my belief that we can solve the problems facing our state by bringing people together, not by polarizing our society. It’s long past time to retire corrupt career politicians like Bob Menendez, who has done nothing but serve his own interests while ratcheting up the degree of partisan, political bickering and animosity we have witnessed at all levels of government,” said Bob Hugin.
This will be the seventh prominent Democrat to endorse Bob Hugin over the past seven weeks. Recent polls have Bob Hugin in a dead heat against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez.