Former Executive Director Emerge NJ Trucha Quattrone Endorses Mehta In LD25

As the former Executive Director of Emerge NJ, having trained over 100 women for public office and
helped more than 50 women run for office, and a campaign manager for 15 candidates I am happy to
endorse Rupanda Mehta for the 25LD Senate seat.

She serves on the Municipal Alliance and Green Sustainability Committees in Denville. Rupande also
founded The SAR Foundation, which works to train local and state organizations on issues of abuse and

Rupande's experience and education have imbued her with leadership skills and a keen eye for detail.
Her time as an Eagleton Fellow gave her State-level exposure in government and public affairs, and
developing public policy. Rupande knows how to identify public problems and has the tools to develop
solutions. She is part of a new wave of politically engaged women running for office.
Rupande brings the experience and background to win this election for the 25LD, she is known
throughout the county and will be your advocate in Trenton.

Truscha Quatrone

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