Former Gubernatorial Candidate And Assemblyman Merkt Endorses Sabrin for Senate

July 10, 2018
Contact: Patrick McNight, 609-915-7200
Richard Merkt announced today he endorses Libertarian candidate Murray Sabrin for the U.S. Senate.
“As a life-long Republican, I do not often look outside my party when endorsing candidates running for public office. Unusual times, however, call for unconventional thinking, and I believe that it imperative that whoever replaces Bob Menendez as New Jersey’s U.S. Senator be an individual of principle with no connections or obligations to the Washington, DC political establishment.
“I have known Dr. Murray Sabrin for more than two decades. He is a man of both principle and rigorous logic in his economic and political analysis. Although Dr. Sabrin and I do not agree on every issue, his political philosophy reflects many Republican values, and, in many cases, is more “Republican” than that of many who claim to be Republicans.
“One of Dr. Sabrin’s greatest strengths is his extraordinary grasp of economics, something sorely lacking in both Bob Menendez and Congress as a whole. Murray Sabrin not only levels with the people on how our economic system works, but he is also an expert on the underlying principles of the free market system and how their application strengthens America’s economy.
“As a respected academic and outsider, Dr. Sabrin doesn’t owe anything to Washington DC lobbyists or the career politicians on both sides of the aisle in the U.S. Senate. This allows him the freedom to address issues honestly, push hard for badly needed federal reforms, and tell it like it is.
“I admire Murray Sabrin’s integrity, dedication to public service, and intellectual honesty. Finally, New Jersey will have a U.S. Senator who is not an embarrassment to the Garden State. I am proud to endorse Dr. Sabrin’s candidacy to be New Jersey’s next U.S. Senator, and I urge the voters of New Jersey to look to Dr. Sabrin as a candidate who will use his office to help break the Washington DC political establishment’s stranglehold over national politics.”