Former Summit Councilman-At-Large Richard Sun and Former Union County Prosecutor Ted Romankow Endorse Technology and Finance Trailblazer Linda Weber for Congress in New Jersey’s 7th District

Former Summit Councilman-At-Large Richard Sun and Former Union County Prosecutor Ted Romankow Endorse Technology and Finance Trailblazer Linda Weber for Congress in New Jersey’s 7th District

Today, January 22nd, Richard Sun, former Summit Councilman-At-Large, and Ted Romankow, former Union County Prosecutor and former Mayor of Berkeley Heights, endorsed technology and finance trailblazer Linda Weber for Congress in the 7th District of New Jersey. These endorsements are significant because Union County has historically comprised one of the largest shares of both the Democratic primary vote and the general election vote.

“I am proud to endorse Linda Weber to represent the 7th District of New Jersey in Congress. For the past 30 years, she has been a leader in the field of technology and banking while maintaining a strong commitment to her community in Berkeley Heights. Linda built some of our nation’s first online banking platforms. Her achievement earned her a feature on the front page of the American Banker newspaper while pregnant with her second son, Luke. This is just one of many times where Linda has led by example as a working mother. Linda is also a strong advocate for transit access. With major rail lines serving as a conduit between the 7th District and New York City, transit access is vital to the success of our region. She is also smart and thoughtful, but more than anything else she’s tough. And that’s exactly what we need. We need someone with a backbone and strength representing us in Congress. Linda will help lead us to a better future,” stated Richard Sun, former Councilman-At-Large, City of Summit.

“We’re witnessing firsthand why character and compassion matter in our government, and this is why I’m endorsing Linda Weber to represent the 7th Congressional District. Linda is a long-time leader with a demonstrated passion for service. As the 5-time Chair of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in Northern Union County, she has raised millions for cancer patients and research. Linda is also direct and honest, which is something that DC sorely needs. Leonard Lance continues to prioritize political expediency and the interests of wealthy donors over the needs of this district. We need representation in Congress that will stand up for the families of the 7th District,” said Ted Romankow, former Union County Prosecutor and former Mayor of Berkeley Heights.

Linda has also been endorsed by 25 of New Jersey’s most influential women leaders including Myra Terry, founder of Emerge New Jersey and former president of NOW New Jersey; and the Network for Public Education Action and its founder, Diane Ravitch, a former United States Assistant Secretary of Education and a leading education policy expert. The Network for Public Education (NPE) is a national advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve, and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

Linda Weber, who launched her campaign on Mother’s Day on MSNBC, is most known for having built some of the nation’s first online banking platforms. Currently, Linda is the Senior Vice President of IDB Bank. She is a mother of 2 sons and resides in Berkeley Heights with her husband of 31 years, Mark Weber, an educator in the Warren Township Public Schools

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