Fozman: Brick Democrats Pay Liberal Lip Service to GOP Anti-Sanctuary State Resolution

Fozman: Brick Democrats Pay Liberal Lip Service to GOP Anti-Sanctuary State Resolution

Councilman Jim Fozman and GOP running mates say words aren’t enough,

Demand vote on Fozman Resolution at August 13 Council meeting


For Immediate Release

Contact: Allan Cartine


Brick, July 29, 2019 – Following the July 23 meeting where the Democrat-majority Brick Township Council refused to support a resolution by GOP Councilman Jim Fozman opposing Governor Phil Murphy’s Sanctuary State, calling on Brick to never become a Sanctuary City, and demanding that Murphy and his Attorney General Gurbir Grewal revoke their outrageous directive prohibiting local law enforcement from cooperating with federal ICE agents, Brick Democrats have been scrambling to explain why they won’t stand up to Murphy and allow a vote.


Local Republicans called the words “liberal lip service” from local Democrats unwilling to vote stand up to an increasingly radicalized Democratic Party in Trenton led by Phil Murphy, who swore-in Mayor Ducey to his current term.


“Talk is cheap, Brick Township residents want action,” said Councilman Fozman, who authored the anti-Sanctuary State resolution.  “If Mayor Ducey and the Brick Democrats truly opposed Governor Murphy’s dangerous immigrant directive and our Sanctuary State status, they would allow a vote on my resolution and they would support it.  Anything short of that is a cop out.  Their words are meaningless.”


Councilman Fozman continued: “Elections are about choices and their voters in Brick now have a choice – vote for Republicans who will stand up to Governor Murphy’s radical policies, or Democrats who don’t have the courage to do the same.”


Councilman Fozman said the Brick Democrats refusal to push back – even symbolically – against Governor Murphy’s policies on illegal immigration are particularly troubling in light of what happened to the Brick School District this year.


“Governor Murphy –– and liberal Democrats in Trenton cut $22 million from our local schools, while voting to give millions of our tax dollars in tuition aid to illegal immigrants,” said Councilman Fozman.  “The Murphy Democrats are out-of-control and out-of-touch with Brick, and our Council doesn’t have the guts to oppose them.  The Democrats’ decision to take money from legal citizens in Brick and give it to illegal immigrants across the state is an outrage and a clear reason why we need a Republican check and balance on the Township Council here in Brick.”

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