Freehold Borough Moves to Become a Certified Veteran-Friendly Municipality

NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce will recognize the Borough’s Commitment on February 3, 2020

FREEHOLD BOROUGH, NEW JERSEY - The New Jersey State Veterans Chamber of Commerce has rolled out a new Veteran-Friendly Municipality program and Freehold Borough Mayor Kevin Kane is leading the community towards achieving certification. The borough will consider a resolution in support of the program at its February 3rd meeting of the governing body.

The certification program, which was designed by the NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce, recognizes municipalities and counties that pass a resolution committing to helping veterans in the following ways:
1. Proactively notify veteran-owned businesses registered with the state of New Jersey of each public bid opportunity.
2. In the procurement of goods and services, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:l l-42(d), the municipality shall make a good faith effort to award 6% of the total contract dollars to Veteran Owned Business Enterprises.
3. In the hiring of employees, the municipality, subject to all New Jersey Civil Service regulations, shall make a good faith effort to achieve a hiring goal of a minimum of 5% veteran workforce.
4. Establish Veteran-Only parking spots (minimum of 3) in municipally-owned parking lots.

This program creates a dynamic way forward for veterans at the municipal and county levels, where historically, there was limited focus on veteran's economic development. "This resolution empowers municipalities and counties to show good faith to our veterans’ community and create a pathway for veterans to succeed either in skilled labor positions or through contracting opportunities" said Colonel (Ret) Jeff Cantor, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of the NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce.

"We are delighted to support our veterans, recognize them for the sacrifices they have made and assist in their economic success. Our veterans have defended our freedom with their lives and this is a small effort we can do now to show our support to them" said Freehold Mayor Kevin Kane. "In fact, we will go above what is required by also adding to the resolution our commitment to veterans by providing discounts on local licenses and permit fees, promoting state fee exemptions for local metered parking, a municipal commuter lot permit fee waiver/reimbursement for Purple Heart recipients, and holding at least one "Patriot Day" public celebration honoring the service of veterans on Memorial Day, Veterans Day or the anniversary of 9-11" said Mayor Kane.
The Borough is also establishing a Veterans’ Affairs Committee with Council Member George Schnurr to serve as the council liason. “The establishment of this standing committee of our governing body demonstrates the commitment we all have to supporting and assisting all veterans in our community”, said Council Member Schnurr.

Freehold Borough will consider the enabling resolution at the February 3rd, 2020 meeting of the Borough Council. Residents can attend and ask questions concerning the program.

Any interested county or municipality can obtain a copy of the resolution from the NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce by emailing them at The NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce will work with counties and municipalities to provide support with implementing this resolution and will help them find qualified veteran business entities to meet their goals.

"Veterans have done so much, putting their lives on hold to support our country. Now it's our turn to support them. Our organization will work tirelessly to make every opportunity available for veterans and service connected disabled veterans and build the infrastructure that will make them successful" said Cantor.

Additional information can be found on the organization's website at, or by emailing the organization at


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