Freeholder John P. Curley's Statement on Qualifying for the General Election

After my commitment to the Republican Party, I find that the direction of the party in Monmouth County is one I can no longer follow. Last week I filed a petition to run for reelection as your Monmouth County Freeholder as an Independent. I didn’t leave the County Republican Party, the County Republican Party left me. 


To qualify for the November Ballot, the law requires that I have 100 signatures on my petition. I filed my petitions with more than 450 signatures.  The Monmouth County Republican boss Shaun Golden was so upset with my decision to run as an Independent that he filed a formal challenge to my petition with the Monmouth County Clerk. This County Clerk, by the way, is also the Monmouth County Republican Vice -Chair. Imagine that!  Can you say conflict of interest?


Now here is the funny part: Republican Party boss Golden was so incompetent that he challenged less than 200 of the 450+ signature on my petitions. So, even if Golden won all his challenges, I would still have 250 valid signatures on my petition when only 100 are required by law. In the end, the Clerk only dismissed 133 signatures so I easily qualified to be on the ballot in November as an Independent.


I thank each and every person who signed up to support me and I look forward to meeting many more residents of Monmouth County as I campaign to be the first Independent elected to the Monmouth County Board Of Chosen Freeholders.


I ask all Monmouth County Residents to join me in “Fighting Corruption Together.” 

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