Dr. Rozella G. Clyde announces her second round of Diner Days scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, 2017.  During this set of Diner Day visits, Dr. Clyde will focus attention on Morris County’s North Eastern municipalities of Boonton, Pinebrook, Towaco, Lincoln Park and Butler.


Beginning at 8 am at the Plaza Restaurant in Boonton, and continuing on the hour to the Montville Diner Pinebrook at 9, The Red Barn Diner in Towaco at 10, then on to George’s Diner in Lincoln Park at 11, and concluding at noon at the Butler Family Diner.


During her first round of Diner Day visits on September 20th, Dr. Clyde focused on the western route 10 and 46 corridors, where she interacted with over 80 voters, answering questions about what a Freeholder does, and why she wants to serve on the Freeholder Board.


Interested community members are invited to meet with Dr. Clyde at any of the above listed diners, share a cup of coffee and ask any questions you might have about county government and the delivery of services.  Dr. Clyde always carries voter registration forms and mail in ballot applications that you may complete and mail in on your own.


Dr. Clyde is the Progressive Democratic candidate for Freeholder in Morris County.  She looks forward to hearing your concerns.

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