Continue to Put Corrections Officers, Staff 

and Inmates in Jeopardy


(BRIDGETON, NJ) – Cumberland County Freeholders blocked Freeholder Jack Surrency’s package of COVID jail reforms last evening, shirking their responsibility to corrections officers, staff and inmates..

“These votes by my colleagues represent politics at its worst,” said Freeholder Jack Surrency (D-Bridgeton). “I presented a plan, a plan that’s being used in other places, to test, treat, and track COVID in our county jails.”

The freeholder board voted 6-1 against the resolutions.

“I’m naming names,” said Surrency. “There’s too much at stake. Freeholders DeRella, Musso, Castelinni, Barber and Quinn sold out our jail, putting their egos before the health and safety of our corrections officers, staff and inmates.”

The resolutions were considered during the freeholders’ regular work session last  evening.

“If you have a problem with me, that’s fine,” said Surrency. “Don’t let it affect the men and women within the four walls of the county jail.”

Residents may continue to contact their freeholders at the email address and office phone number on the county website,, to support Freeholder Surrency’s efforts.

“Real leaders rise above petty differences and do what’s right, especially at times like this,” said Surrency.

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