Freeholders provide a status update on COVID-19 response


Freeholders provide a status update on COVID-19 response

(Camden, NJ) – Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli Jr., Freeholder Jon Young and Congressman Donald Norcross will be providing an update regarding the latest developments to combat COVID-19. Over the course of the pandemic the county has provided more than 50,000 meals to the vulnerable, thousands of tests through two mobile testing sites in Camden and Gloucester Township and delivered hundreds of thousands of personal protective equipment to first responders and long-term care facilities.

Location: Camden County College-Blackwood, Roosevelt Hall

Time: 11 a.m.

The town hall event will be streaming on Camden County’s Facebook page ( You do not need a Facebook account to view live videos, though you will need an account in order to utilize Facebook’s live chat feature. A separate livestream will also be available for anyone having trouble accessing Facebook:

“Our staff is working day and night to address this pandemic with a variety of initiatives from feeding the vulnerable to providing access to testing,” Cappelli said. “We have seen some promising signs from the last couple of days of cases being reported and we are becoming more optimistic that we may be hitting a plateau.”

Congressman Norcross will address federal questions and go over the CARES 1.5 Interim Relief Package, a bill that builds off of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which passed in late-March. The law provides critical funding to increase testing, more resources for hospitals and health care providers to continue their response to the crisis, and additional assistance for small businesses to keep workers employed.

Participants will be responding to questions submitted via Facebook’s live chat function and a submission form available online. If you would like to submit a question, please complete the form at

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