Friday Wrap Up from Andy Kim: Congressman Delivers for His Constituents in the Fight Against COVID-19

U.S. Rep. Andy Kim (D-3)

Friday Wrap Up:

Andy Kim Delivers for His Constituents in the Fight Against COVID-19


This week, Rep. Andy Kim introduced two new bills that will help communities in New Jersey fight the coronavirus and keep their economies working. The Security After Sandy Act will provide direct relief to New Jersey communities by forgiving all federal loans given out in the effort to rebuild post-Superstorm Sandy. The Put Our Neighbors to Work Act will help the New Jersey economy by creating more opportunities for local hiring for military construction projects.  Andy’s call for the president to “get this right, right now” by scaling testing capabilities and supporting state and local governments was also featured in Business Insider.


Meanwhile, his campaign was spotlighted in the Associated Press for building relationships through creative online strategies like a district wide check-in call program and a Zoom jam session. “I’ve always really believed all politics is personal. So while this is a new tactic, it’s not a new value,” he said. “This gets at the moment we’re in right now.”


Finally, Andy’s work was recognized in letters to the editor submitted to the Burlington County Times, Asbury Park Press, and Record Herald. Constituents thanked him for his commitment to serving local businesses, applauded his selection on the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus, and thanked him for advocating for more federal testing sites in the district. “Congressman Andy Kim has demonstrated nothing but a complete commitment to serving his constituents” wrote Barbara Blonsky of Mount Laurel.


Andy’s Work in Congress


Security After Sandy Act


Put Our Neighbors to Work Act


Andy in the News


Associated Press: For candidates seeking attention, it’s time to volunteer


Rep. Andy Kim, a first-term Democrat from New Jersey who is one of the party’s most vulnerable incumbents, canceled a campaign launch he had planned at his old elementary school in March. He said his campaign’s new approach isn’t so different from his early days as a community organizer. He’s still trying to build relationships with voters through check-in calls and events on Zoom, like a “jam session” during which Kim dusted off his cello for the first time in eight years.


Kim said in his district, which is home to many retirement communities along the Jersey Shore, a lot of constituents are stuck at home and crave a human connection.


“I’ve always really believed all politics is personal. So while this is a new tactic, it’s not a new value,” he said. “This gets at the moment we’re in right now.”


Business Insider: Trump blames Russia investigation and his impeachment for not being able to replenish medical supplies during his 3 years as president


Democratic Rep. Andy Kim of New Jersey, a member of a recent bipartisan congressional committee overseeing the nation’s coronavirus efforts, told Insider that Trump “has a chance to get this right, right now.”


“That means massively scaling our testing capabilities, ensuring those who need PPE have access to it and supporting our state and local governments,” Kim said. “America needs a federal government dedicated to learning from the past, addressing the present, and preparing for the future.”


Letters to the Editor


Asbury Park Press: Coronavirus NJ: Congressman Kim’s integrity matters


Burlington County Times: Guest Opinion: Andy Kim serving those whose businesses were hurt by COVID-19


Burlington County Times: Kim’s panel appointment is good news


The Record Herald: Congressman Kim advocates for federal testing sites

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