Friends Of Liberty State Park Release on the legislature killing the Liberty State Park Protection Act

Pesin of Liberty State Park.

Release on the legislature killing the Liberty State Park Protection Act

If it wasn’t for the influence of the billionaire Paul Fireman. owner of Liberty National Golf Course, and his misinformation lobbying campaign, Governor Phil Murphy would have already signed the landmark and necessary Liberty State Park Protection Act. The Protection Act would prevent the privatization of our sacred local, state and national treasure open space park behind Lady Liberty – deserved by future generations. The billionaire’s goal is to privatize and destroy the Caven Point natural area habitat to relocate three golf holes for multimillionaires closer to the bay.


The Friends of LSP look forward to the reintroduction of the Protection Act in the next session and becoming an iconic law to protect this  treasured park for future generations.

Mr. Fireman arrogantly ignores that the overwhelming majority for over four decades has clearly and strongly opposed LSP privatization no matter what revenue was promised.

He ignores that Caven Point is a critical, priceless, and irreplaceable natural area – a migratory bird habitat and nesting area and is used as an urban environmental education resource and a peaceful urban sanctuary.

Mr. Fireman also ignores that he has his own vacant land- 10 acres next to his clubhouse where he wanted his casino hotel resort which he can use for a golf academy.

“The Coalition to Pass the Liberty State Park Protection Act and Save the Park’s Caven Point Natural Area” (attached) already has over 55 local, regional and state organizations signing on, and 100’s attended a Saturday rally in LSP to show that privatization opposition is stronger than it ever was.

 Here’s a list of some of the main Paul Fireman and lobbyist Eric Shuffler, former advisor to Gov. Corzine, and PR firm’s misinformation:

– DEP doesn’t require any further Caven Pt remediation due to its passive recreation uses – as the NY Times story confirmed

– It is hogwash that a green wild habitat is the same as a chemical-laden green golf course. Caven Point is an irreplaceable migratory bird habitat and nesting area, an urban environmental education resource, and priceless nature sanctuary for people. The golf course would destroy this critical urban habitat.

– The overwhelming majority over 43 years has clearly and strongly opposed privatization of this park, deserved by future generations, no matter what revenue was promised. The recent newspaper editorials have emphasized the pricelessness of the park’s urban open space and urban nature at the Caven Point natural area.

– LSP is a park behind Lady Liberty and its purpose is to serve the Public Good and not to help Mr. Fireman’s dubious claims of his destroying a priceless urban habitat to help the economy and being an “economic engine”. He already has a PGA deal through 2039.

– Those who enjoy the varied historic, natural, recreational, scenic and cultural resources of LSP – with 5 million visitors each year – represent the beautiful and broad diversity of races, religions, and ethnic groups from our city, county and state. The state NAACP didn’t consult with the JC NAACP branch when writing a golf academy support letter, and the NAACP didn’t even reach out to park advocates to hear both sides.


– LSP doesn’t need Fireman’s money to add any new amenities as there are several ways that LSP gets money including raising $3 million a year from leases and special events, CBT & DEP funds and corporate donations- without a quid pro quo of privatizing Caven Point – will be much more likely after a Protection Act is passed and the era of battles is finally over.

– LSP’s facilities are not “aging”. The park’s 2 playgrounds got totally new equipment a year ago and any asphalt path that needed upgrading happened this past fall and the park got grants to upgrade the Nature Center area paths. The park also raises $3 million a year from leases and special events.

– Paul Fireman doesn’t need but just wants Caven Point so his golfers can be closer to the bay. He has his own 11-acre vacant land by his golf course clubhouse where he wanted a 2 tower casino/hotel/resort  or our senators can facilitate his buying the adjacent 27 acres Army Reserve land for his First Tee youth golf academy or find other private land or he can build his Academy in the community and bring participants to his or the county golf course (its dubious that he’ll enroll 1000s of disadvantaged youth each year) ‘

– Fireman had canvassers getting peoples contact info in support of their Enhance LSP Coalition from a sheet promising millions of dollars for LSP if they just privatize a tiny piece of the park, but failed to mention at all that they want the Caven Point natural area habitat.

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