Gaburo: Somerset Democrats Should Apologize, Fire Social Media Director for Offensive Post

Somerset Democrats Should Apologize, Fire Social Media Director for Offensive Post
GOP says actively recruiting candidates who “hate our country” is offensive and demeaning to all who have served our nation
For Immediate Release
August 20, 2019 - In the wake of a social media post where they actively solicited candidates who “hate our country” to run for office under the banner, the Somerset County Democratic Committee (SCDC), its Chairwoman Peg Schaefer, and countywide candidates Melonie Marano and Darrin Russo should immediately fire whoever runs the SCDC social media pages and apologize for their offensive, anti-American post, said Somerset County Republican Chairman Al Gaburo.
“I never thought I would see the day that the Somerset County Democratic Party would consider hating America as a qualification to run for office under their party’s banner,” said Gaburo. “Is this really the party that Somerset County taxpayers want running county government next January? I don’t think so.”
The GOP candidates said the post underscores what is at stake this November.
Freeholder Deputy Director Pat Walsh added: “When I entered into public service, things were different; Democrats and Republicans worked together to solve problems and whether any of us loved our community and our country was never in doubt. I truly hope the Chairwoman and my opponents issue an immediate apology and assure residents that the person who posted this offense graphic is no longer in charge of the SCDC’s social media channels.”
GOP Sheriff candidate, Chief Bill Parenti, said he was stunned that the GOP had to take the step of issuing a formal press release on the matter.
“Our opponents should have denounced this hateful, anti-American rhetoric without us calling on them to do so,” said Chief Parenti. “Their continued silence can be interpreted as nothing less than acceptance, while making it clear that the only party capable of common sense, responsible leadership in county government are the Republicans. There post is an affront especially to all those who have worn our country's uniform and defended our flag.”