Galloway Republicans Endorse Van Drew for Congress

Van Drew

Galloway Republicans Endorse Van Drew for Congress


Galloway Township Republican leaders Municipal Chairwoman Terry Lucarelli, Freeholder Rich Dase, former Mayor & Councilman Tony Coppola, former Deputy Mayor and Councilman Rich Clute, Councilman Tony DiPietro, former Mayor Don Purdy, and Galloway Township Republican League President Chris Coleman released the following statement endorsing Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew for re-election.


“Congressman Van Drew is a proven conservative who has a long and distinguished record of fighting for South Jersey families. We are grateful that Congressman Van Drew is fighting to defend President Trump at every turn and we are honored to endorse him for re-election to the US House of representatives. With President Trump and Congressman Van Drew leading our Republican ticket we are poised for victory in 2020.”

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