Gary Rich Suspends Senate Campaign, Endorses Tricia Flanagan

February 4, 2020
Speaking in his home town of Spring Lake, former Monmouth County Freeholder Director Gary Rich suspended his US Senate campaign, thanked his supporters and endorsed Tricia Flanagan.
"The stakes are too high this year," Rich explained, "And we have seen what happens if we get our signals crossed and continue to allow Democrats to win."
“Conservatives in the Republican party need to speak with one voice, and after meeting Tricia Flanagan, I have decided that hers is the voice is the voice that speaks most clearly and powerfully for the principles that compel me to run."
"That's why today I am thanking my supporters, suspending my campaign and asking everyone who really cares about this state and this nation to support Tricia Flanagan as she works to win back for the people the seat currently occupied by Cory Booker."
"This has never been about the next step in Gary Rich’s political career. Tricia shares my belief that political activity should be about service and not career advancement. There are too few people like that in politics today. What we need are MORE people with that type of motivation at every level of government.”
“Stepping aside is my way of showing that I will be working to ensure candidates committed to public service win the coming elections."
“I encourage everyone support her at conventions, visit her campaign website,, and get involved with her campaign.”
“Together,” Rich summarized, “We can win back New Jersey for our families”