Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali



Ghassali Campaign Calls Out Gottheimer For Failing to Take a Stance on Pelosi’s Impeachment Inquiry


Montvale, NJ – This evening, Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called for a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Congressman Josh Gottheimer has been evasive on the issue and has yet to release a statement on whether or not he supports Pelosi’s move towards impeachment.


“Instead of focusing on growing jobs, reducing the tax burden on working families and protecting our borders, radical Democrats have thrown another Hail Mary with this latest effort to impeach President Trump. Meanwhile, Josh Gottheimer has tried to have it both ways without taking a position on where he stands on impeachment,” said Ghassali campaign manager Rich Castaldo.


Castaldo continued, “Like a typical DC-insider, Josh is trying to be on both sides of the impeachment issue. Voters in New Jersey deserve to have a congressman who is open and honest about where they stand on an important issue like impeaching the President of the United States.


Josh needs to answer this simple question: Do you or do you not support the formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump?”



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