Gibbs: Richter Needs to Come Clean on Biden Ties

Kate Gibbs

Richter Needs to Come Clean on Biden Ties
Richter has bragged about hiring VP’s brother and buying access to win $1.5 billion taxpayer-funded contract in Iraq

THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT – In the wake of an FBI raid and increasing questions about the business dealings of Joe Biden’s brother, Kate Gibbs called on David Richter to come clean on his ties to Biden and release all of his electronic communications with James Biden regarding the formation of Hillstone International and their efforts to secure contracts in the Middle East.

“David’s so-called business experience amounts to using money to buy political access in order to line his pockets at taxpayer expense,” charged Kate Gibbs. “One did it through his daddy and the other through his brother, but in both cases David Richter and James Biden are poster boys for entitlement, crony capitalism and are card-carrying members of ‘The Swamp’ that President Trump has railed against for years.”

Gibbs said the recent stories about James Biden and Americore share striking similarities to his time at Hill International. In fact, according to yesterday’s report in POLITICO, Biden told potential business partners “that his last name could open doors and that Joe Biden was excited about the public policy implications of their business models, according to court filings and interviews with former business contacts of James’s.”

The comments are almost identical to the ones made by David Richter himself upon going into business with James Biden, where David was quoted as saying that it really helps to have “the brother of the vice-president as a partner” and bragged that he “had access to senior levels of government” courtesy of their financial deal with the Vice-President’s brother.

“Does anyone believe that James Biden was a choir boy when David Richter went into business with him? Does anyone believe Richter’s company landed a $1.5 billion government contract to build houses in Iraq on actual merit? Of course not!” said Gibbs. “Republicans in Burlington and Ocean Counties need David Richter to be completely transparent about how his shady deal with James Biden got done, including all of their communications and the specific financial details to their business partnership.”

Gibbs said Richter’s ties to the Bidens make his candidacy incredibly problematic in the fall.

“When President Trump is prosecuting the case against Joe Biden and how he and his family have profited off years of government service, what the heck is David Richter going to be able to say?” asked Gibbs. “Richter will be completely conflicted on what will likely be a major talking point in the Presidential race. He doesn’t have the credibility to help President Trump push this message, nor make it an issue against Andy Kim. That would be a disaster for Republicans.”

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