Gibbs: Richter’s Misogynistic Tweet Condemned by Women Leaders

Kate Gibbs

Richter’s Misogynistic Tweet

Condemned by Women Leaders

“David crossed a line and owes Kate and all women an apology”

THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, NJ – Women for Kate Co-Chairs, Senator Diane Allen and Assemblywoman Jean Stanfield, made the following statement today in response to NJ-3 candidate David Richter’s since-deleted tweet musing about his female primary opponent Kate Gibbs being kept in a box and suffocating:

“We have seen David Richter’s misogynist campaign playbook before. Repeatedly belittling women by implying they are incapable of thinking for themselves, attacking their competency, and dismissing their credentials. This pattern of unacceptable behavior took a darker turn Friday afternoon when an increasingly agitated Richter tweeted – and then deleted – disturbing imagery of violence towards Kate Gibbs. David crossed a line and owes Kate and all women an apology. No woman deserves to be threatened or verbally abused like this.

Moreover, his obsession with attacking Kate’s intellect and ability is offensive. Kate put herself through college, earned her Master’s Degree in Finance and graduated summa cum laude while working full-time to elect Republicans throughout the Third District. She went on to serve as the Freeholder Director for the largest county in the State implementing innovative programs and cutting taxes. That makes her beyond qualified to be our next congresswoman. That said, no woman should need to present her qualifications simply to be treated with basic respect and dignity.”

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