Gloucester County Offices remain open with restricted public access

Gloucester County Offices remain open with restricted public access
* All departments are prepared to deliver services to residents through phone, online, and/or email as well as making drop boxes available for required paperwork delivery.
* The drop-boxes will be available in the front of all buildings or in the secured vestibules.
* Please visit<htt
The respective departments can be reached by the following phone numbers:
Gloucester County Administration Building
2 South Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096
* Department of Administration
Chad Bruner, Administrator
(856) 853-3275
* Treasury & Finance Operations
Tracy Giordano, CFO
(856) 853-3353
American Job Center
215 Crown Point Rd, Thorofare, NJ 08086.
Michelle Shirey
(856) 384-3700
* Public access is closed until further notice. Please visit our website at: https://careerconnections.nj.g
Gloucester County Animal Shelter
1200 N Delsea Drive, Clayton, NJ 08312
Bill Lombardi, Director
Under the guidance of The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Health Department, Office of Emergency Response and the State of New Jersey the GCAS will temporarily stop in-person visits and walk-ins and will remain closed to the public until further notice.
* All of our animals will continue to be cared for during this time and receive the same, great care during this time.
* When the GCAS doors open again, the shelter will offer discounted adoption fees and get of our furry friends to their forever homes.
* Still accepting online adoption applications.
The Gloucester County Animal Shelter can be reached at 856-881-2828 or by visiting our website<h
Gloucester County Budd Boulevard Offices
115 Budd Blvd., West Deptford, 08096
· Department of Economic Development
Tom Bianco, Director
(856) 384-6963
* Division of Senior Services
Leona Mather, Director
(856) 384-6900
* Division of Human & Disability Services
Lisa Cerny
(856) 384-6842
* Superintendent of Schools
Avé Altersitz, Interim Executive County Superintendent of Schools
(856) 686-8370
Gloucester County Clayton Complex Offices
1200 N Delsea Drive, Clayton, NJ 08312
* Public Works Department
Vince Voltaggio, Director
(856) 307-6400
* Tax Assessing
Craig Black, Assessor
(856) 307-6445
Gloucester County Clerk
1 North Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096
James Hogan, Clerk
Public Access - Old Courthouse
* As of 03.17.2020 (4:00pm) and until further notice, all title searchers will be prohibited from working at the Old Courthouse. The County Clerk’s 20/20 land record system is fully functional online and free of cost to users. In the case that a searcher may require documents that are not available online, appointments will be accommodated.
* Public access has been restricted from the following offices:
• Front Office
• Record Room
• Deputy’s Office
• Quality Control
• Fiscal Unit
• Records Management
* All public is being directed to Room 102, where the Chief of Staff will facilitate services. All other doors have been locked, signage has been posted and stanchions are put into place to exercise recommended social distancing. (The Chief Clerk is the back up to the Chief of Staff.)
* The Chief of Staff will contact the Chief Clerk and/or Administrative Clerk respectively depending upon required services. There will only be three (3) staff members that will have one on one contact with the public. The Chief Clerk/Administrative Clerk will provide the required services.
* The County Clerk will swear in all notaries that come into the facility. Appointments will be made for all notaries that call the office. The County Clerk will make accommodations to swear in notaries at their workplace or home.
* Seasonal employment has been temporarily halted.
Monroe satellite office
· Closed until May.
Public Access – County Store
* The Gloucester County Store at the Deptford Mall is closed as of 3/18/2020. Please contact the County Clerk’s Office for further assistance. 856-853-3259.
Public Access – Election Division
* The Election Division is open and operating normal hours and will remain so pending further restriction.
* Environmental hygiene protocols and social distancing practices have been put into place.
Gloucester County Board of Elections
550 Grove Road, West Deptford 08066
Stephanie Salvatore
(856) 384-4500
Gloucester County Libraries
All branches of the Gloucester County Library System (Glassboro, Greenwich, Logan, Mullica Hill, and Swedesboro) will close beginning Tuesday, March 17 through Sunday, March 22. GCLS staff will use this week to plan for any necessary changes to our services in the coming weeks. We will continue to evaluate and communicate future plans as information becomes available.
GCLS is waiving all late fees and will automatically extend due dates of all books and library materials that are checked out through March 31. We will be closing book drops at all library branches, and ask, please do not leave library books and materials outside our doors. Please keep all library materials until we reopen.
Our librarians will be available via email at<mailto:refe
Our digital resources and materials are still available for your entertainment, education, and information 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Enjoy free eBooks, audiobooks, movies, music, magazines, and more by visiting our website at <><http://www.gcls.o
The safety of our patrons and staff is always our first priority, and we appreciate the continued support of our community members during this time.
Gloucester County Surrogate Court
PO Box 177, Woodbury, NJ 08096
Giuseppe Chila, Surrogate
* In person applications are suspended until further notice.
* Pursuant to the direction from Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and the County Administrator, the Court is limiting physical interactions in the courts to protect the public and to ensure the safety of court staff.
* During this time the Surrogate Court will continue daily operations of business for the public by telephone, fax, mail and email. Emergency situations will be handled on a case by base basis. Intake forms are available on our website and can be printed out for your convenience. Additionally a drop box for incoming mail and inquiries will be provided for the public.
* All search inquiries should be done by phone, fax or email.
Telephone: 856-853-3282
Fax: 856-853-3311
Mail: PO Box 177, Woodbury, NJ 08096
Gloucester County Board of Social Services
400 Hollydell Drive Sewell, NJ 08080
Katie Doyle Director
* County residents who want to apply for SNAP food assistance, or cash assistance under the Work First New Jersey program can do so online at We will be conducting interviews by phone, so you do not need to come into the office to apply for benefits.
* Work First New Jersey cash assistance clients who are due for their case to be reviewed in March or April automatically will get a 60-day extension. You do not need to come into the office.
* If you are a Work First New Jersey cash assistance client or a SNAP food assistance client, work activity requirements are temporarily suspended. If your activity is still open and you still want to attend, you may continue to do so. If you were not assigned an activity or your activity is no longer available or accessible due to the public health situation, you will not lose cash assistance or food assistance for not going to your work activity. This includes the GA 28-day protocol. If you are in the middle of your protocol, you do not need to continue to attend your work activity.
* After agency hours, call 2-1-1 if you need to find an emergency shelter, avoid homelessness, or find help staying in your home.
* If you still need to come into the office for an appointment or to drop off documents, we are still open, but we recommend that, if possible, you apply online and do not come to the office. If you need to drop off paperwork, we have a drop box available in the front of the Division of Social Services at 400 Hollydell Drive Sewell, NJ.
* The following additional phone lines and email accounts have been set up to make for a smooth transition:
Agency Contact Phone Numbers:
SNAP, TANF and General Assistance Applications and General Questions: 856-256-2146
SNAP, TANF, and General Assistance Renewals: 856-256-2195
New Jersey Familycare: 856-256-2221
ABD Medicaid (Age, Blind, Disabled): 856-256-2222
Emergency Services: 856-256-2113
Work First New Jersey: 856-256-2285
Child Support: 856-256-2227
Recovery/Investigations: 856-256-2237
Agency Email Addresses:
To submit information for a SNAP Application: snapinitial@gloucestercountynj
To submit information for a TANF OR GA Application: tanfgainitial@gloucestercounty
To submit information for a SNAP, TANF OR GA Renewal: snaprecert@gloucestercountynj.
To submit information for NJ Familycare: familycare@gloucestercountynj.
To submit information for ABD Medicaid (Aged, Blind, Disabled):adultmedicaid@glouce
For more information on restricted public access at Gloucester County Offices or cancelled events, please visit