Gloucester County Republican Chairwoman Declares A Victory In Re-Building Effort

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

Gloucester County Republican Chairwoman Declares A Victory In Re-Building Effort

Vigilante: “We are looking forward to more victories in November.”

MULLICA HILL – Gloucester County Republican Chairwoman Jacci Vigilante announced today voters will have a choice on November’s ballot for freeholder.

The issue was in doubt because on April 3, 2019 John Alice, Counsel to the Gloucester County Democratic Committee, challenged the nominating petition of Republicans Diane M. King and Andrea K. Sammons. Unfortunately, after that challenge King and Sammons were tossed from the ballot forcing Republicans to mount a write-in campaign.

“Every year petitions get challenged, I understand that, but typically challenges are party affairs with candidates trying to clear the field in a primary much like the establishment Democrats did to the progressive Democrats in Camden County,” Jacci Vigilante said. “Rarely does one party challenge the petitions of the other party, which tells me the Gloucester County Democratic Organization fears facing two strong women candidates in the era of #MeToo and #BelieveWomen.”

“Fortunately, our Republican County Committee stepped up and mounted an aggressive write-in campaign to ensure voters are not deprived of a choice in November.” Vigilante added, “County Democrats failed in their efforts to deny choices to the voters.”

“Preventing the Democrats’ efforts to deny a choice for freeholder in the general election is just one victory in our re-building efforts,’ Vigilante said. “Our Republican County Committee fought back and won. Moving forward with strong candidates, not just at the freeholder level, but in several municipalities throughout the county we are looking forward to more victories in November.”

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