GLSEN Releases State Snapshot Survey Of LGBTQ Students

With many state legislatures back in session, GLSEN today released state-level data from its benchmark National School Climate Survey, which demonstrate that schools across the nation are not safe for most lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) middle and high school students. In addition, many LGBTQ students do not have access to important school resources, such as an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, and are not protected by supportive and inclusive school policies.

Today’s release includes data for 41 states as well as Puerto Rico. The release of state-specific data allows advocates, educators, administrators, and policymakers, among others, to evaluate school climate in their individual state. Comprehensive state snapshots for 41 states and Puerto Rico can be found at

These State Snapshots feature state-level data from GLSEN’s biennial National School Climate Survey. Begun in 1999, the survey is the only survey of its kind, documenting the experiences of LGBTQ youth in schools, including the extent of the challenges that they face and their access to the school-based resources that support their educational success and well-being. To access national-level infographics, an executive summary and the full GLSEN National School Climate Survey report, visit

New Jersey State Snapshot - 2017 NSCS_0

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