Gold Star Father Khizr Khan joins Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald in Support of Phil Murphy for Governor and the entire democratic slate

Gold Star Father Khizr Khan joins Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald in Support of Phil Murphy for Governor and the entire democratic slate

Senator James Beach, Majority Leader Greenwald, and Freeholder Shin Angulo will be joined by Khan to promote fair treatment for Gold Star Families and veterans 

COLLINGSWOOD, NJ – Senator James Beach (D-Burlington.Camden), Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald (D-Burlington/Camden) and Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo (D-Camden) will host Gold Star Father Khizr Khan as he supports the Phil Murphy for Governor campaign and the entire democratic slate.

Khan was ridiculed by Donald Trump at least year’s Democratic National Convention after losing his son during the Iraq War in 2004. He is coming to New Jersey to support candidates that promote fair treatment of veterans who have fought and served our country.

The event will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 26th, in the Collingswood Community Center Ballroom. The event is open to the public and the media is encouraged to attend.


***** Please RSVP by e-mailing *****

When:           Thursday, October 26th at 11 a.m., doors open at 10:30 a.m.

Where:          Collingswood Community Center

                      30 W Collings Ave

                      Collingswood, NJ 08108

Who:            Senator James Beach

                      Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald

                      Khizr Kahn, Gold Star Father

                      Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo

                      Melinda Kane, Gold Star Mother and Cherry Hill Councilwoman


How:             To RSVP, contact


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