Gold Star Parent Identification Cards Distributed At The Bergen County Clerk’s office

On May 2, Bergen County was the second county in NJ to present the Gold Star Parent ID Card to honor parents of military members who unfortunately died while on active duty.


A recent bill signed into law authorized county clerks to create an ID card for parents of service members who lost their lives in active duty to receive certain benefits, including but not limited to free or reduced admission to New Jersey Beaches, state parks and forests and to the NJ State Museum. The issuing of the cards occurred at the Bergen County Clerk’s office at One Bergen County Plaza. For more information on how parents can sign up for the Gold Star Parent ID card, go to our website at:


Photo 1 (above): Bergen County Clerk, John S. Hogan and County Executive, James Tedesco with Bergen County Gold Star Parents

Photo 2: Bergen County Clerk, John S. Hogan with Pam Schwarz and Ken Schwarz of Carlstadt. Pam is the President of the Paterson NJ Chapter of American Gold Star Mothers.

Photo 3: Bergen County Clerk, John S. Hogan with Gold Star Parent, Miriam Moreta of North Arlington.

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