Construction Company Manager Seeks the Republican Nomination for U.S. Senate

Old Bridge, NJ – On February 1, Brian D. Goldberg declared his candidacy in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate race to unseat Robert Menendez, and has been traveling all over New Jersey since, garnering support and building a strong team for the campaign.

Brian is running for the Republican nomination in a state that is rapidly shifting from purple to blue, after the election of Democratic governor Phil Murphy and recent projections of a 9-3 Democratic blowout in the 2018 midterm elections. “If we want to have a voice for New Jersey that’s heard in Washington, we need to get on board with the President’s agenda,” Goldberg stated. “But that can’t happen if we continue the current slump that we’ve been in, tied as we are to an unpopular past. So, I’ve made it my mission to grow the GOP with new voters, fresh faces, and a positive image of conservatism.We are no longer the Grand Old Party; we are the party of Growth, Opportunity, and Prosperity; the GOP of the future.”

“Growing up in a middle-class, suburban, Jewish household, it was almost assumed that I would be a Democrat,” Goldberg stated in his announcement video, filmed in the warehouse of his family-owned decorative concrete business. “However, once I started studying the issues, I came to principled conservative positions, and I realized they made a lot more sense. First thing I did was convert both of my parents, with my Dad even running on the Republican ticket for Mayor of Marlboro in 2015.”

Brian has been involved in New Jersey politics for nearly 20 years, and has continuously served on the Essex County Republican Committee since his initial election in 2004. He has consistently fought for conservative principles despite the unfavorable political makeup of his community, focusing on a positive message of “Empowerment, not Entitlement” to draw people in and give voters something to vote for, rather than just angrily fight against.

Goldberg is the only New Jersey Republican candidate for U.S. Senate that has actually been in the trenches of NJ political campaigns, working with and supporting candidates across the entire state at every level of the ballot, and he will continue to do so as the campaign will help spark conservative victories across all levels of government in New Jersey. In working to grow the NJ Republican Party, the campaign is also focused heavily on voter registration and spreading the conservative message on social media, reinvigorating support for the conservative agenda from all age groups and growing a long-term, sustainable political movement.

“This campaign is not going to be won with an ‘air war’. Whatever expensive media purchases we might make, Senator Menendez and the Democrats would surely match. We are going to win with a widespread team of grassroots ground troops, troops I can relate to having actually done the hard work of campaigning rather than just showing up at fundraisers for big names. A grassroots team pulling together in a party infrastructure rebuilt to last and, critically, be sustainable for the future.”

The campaign is focused on several core issues, including: creating more jobs while maintaining low taxes, preserving the military power of the United States by fighting Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)s and fully funding military operations overseas, and protecting the United States Constitution by confirming constructionist judges and defending the Second Amendment.

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