NJGOP Chairman Steinhardt Files Formal Request For Investigation Into 'Radical Political Group' Indivisible NJ 3rd District

Trenton, NJ - On behalf of the NJGOP, Chairman Doug Steinhardt has formally requested that the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission investigate questionable campaign activity by the radical political organization, Indivisible NJ 3rd District. The complaint includes 29 individual examples of the group engaging in organized attempts to improperly influence elections in New Jersey's 3rd Congressional district, without having filed any of the proper registration or disclosures. Steinhardt released the following statement to the press, alongside the formal request for an investigation:
"The people of New Jersey and the 3rd Congressional district count on our state and federal regulatory agencies to protect the integrity of the democratic process," said Chairman Steinhardt. "Indivisible NJ 3rd District is very clearly operating outside of established, legal boundaries, in order to deprive NJ voters of transparency and accountability and, in the process, illegally influence NJ elections. Indivisible NJ 3rd District seems to be deliberately avoiding bright-line laws established to let voters know who is trying to influence their candidates and elections, and with this complaint we are formally requesting that ELEC take steps to ensure that this group play by the same rules by which everyone else is required to play."
As shown in the 29 examples provided to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, which range from helping the Kim campaign raise money, to organizing rallies and running persuasion campaigns, Indivisible NJ 3rd District has focused its efforts on smearing Congressman Tom MacArthur while promoting his opponent, Andy Kim, all under a cloak of impropriety non-transparency.
Chairman Steinhardt continued by saying, "If Andy Kim has any respect for the law and voters of the 3rd Congressional district, he'll join me in my complaint or, at the very least, denounce his association with Indivisible NJ 3rd District until the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission concludes its investigation.”