GOP Challengers Warn that Moriarty's Failed $1 Billion Bailout of Orsted May Lead to Even Bigger Wind Subsidies, Higher Electric Rates
"After 17 years in Trenton, Assemblyman Paul Moriarty has become nothing more than a rubber stamp for the extreme policies pursued by Governor Murphy and Trenton Democrats," said Del Borello. "Even in the wake Orsted walking away from a pair of wind farms after getting a $1 billion bailout that was sponsored by Assemblyman Moriarty, it's clear that he and other Democrats will continue to support Governor Murphy's continued pursuit of these boondoggle projects whatever the cost to our residents on their electric bills."
Moriarty wrote the law (A-5651) passed by Democrats in June that redirected $1 billion that was meant to provide relief to utility customers to Orsted to fund the continued development of the unprofitable and unpopular wind farm projects that the Danish company ended up canceling yesterday.
Del Borrello’s Assembly running mates, Matt Walker and Amanda Esposito, said Moriarty's failed $1 billion bailout of Orsted may lead to even greater costs for New Jersey taxpayers and utility customers.
"Paul Moriarty handed Orsted a $1 billion bailout and they still walked away," said Walker. "Governor Murphy is already doubling-down on the next wind farm development, and there's no doubt that Paul Moriarty will continue to rubber-stamp whatever the governor or the wind farm developers ask for if given the chance. We already know they're going to ask for more handouts and higher electric rates to fund their projects, and they'll get them if Paul Moriarty and other Democratic candidates are sent back to Trenton."
"After Orsted's announcement, a rational person would look at the billions already wasted on wind farm development without a single functional turbine and say it's time to cut our losses for the sake of lower taxes and electric bills," added Esposito. "Unfortunately, Paul Moriarty and Trenton Democrats aren't rational and we shouldn't expect them to suddenly care about keeping New Jersey affordable for our families. It's yet another reason to elect us and other Republicans next Tuesday."