Gopal, Downey and Houghtaling Introduce Bill to Allow Home Grow
March 30, 2021, 4:30 pm | in
Gopal, Downey and Houghtaling Introduce Bill to Allow Home Grow Legislation would establish individuals to grow recreational and medical cannabis at home.
MONMOUTH - Senator Vin Gopal and Assembly Members Joann Downey and Eric Houghtaling introduced legislation last week to the NJ State Legislature to allow individuals aged 21 and over to grow recreational and medical cannabis at home.
This legislation (S3582/A5552) would allow people 21 and older to grow up to six plants for recreational use or up to 10 plants for medical use. A single household would not be permitted to have more than 12 plants.
Senator Gopal said, "Home grow just makes sense. Let people be. They’re not hurting anyone. And if that helps, especially on the medical side as well, then we should embrace it. Allow people 21 and older to grow up to six plants for recreational use or up to 10 plants for medical use."
“Allowing individuals to grow cannabis inside their homes will tremendously help those who have financial struggles and need to fill their prescription,” Assemblywoman Joann Downey said. “In most cases, individuals are paying an exorbitant amount of money at dispensaries and what they buy does not even fill their prescription. Allowing individuals to grow up to 10 plants for medical use will greatly benefit the individuals who are in pain both physically and financially.”
Assemblyman Houghtaling said, “There is an issue at hand when we legalize marijuana, yet we punish individuals for growing it in their own home. As the law stands currently, growing even one plant can result in a first-degree crime punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison. This legislation will allow individuals the access to grow up to six plants for recreational use and 10 plants for medical use in their own home without the threat of going to prison.”