Gopal Endorsed by HPAE

Gopal Endorsed by HPAE

June 20th, 2017

Long Branch -  Vin Gopal, Democratic candidate for State Senate in New Jersey’s Eleventh Legislative District, has been endorsed by HPAE. HPAE represents nurses and health care workers with the goal of advancing and improving patient care, professional practices, and working conditions in health care facilities.

“As healthcare workers, we stand by candidates who are committed to protecting patient care and workers' safety,” said Ann Twomey, HPAE President. “That is why HPAE has endorsed Vin Gopal for NJ Senate, who we know will be a voice in Trenton to make sure New Jersey's healthcare facilities have safe staffing levels and workers have a voice in improving standards in healthcare.”

The HPAE endorsement marks the eighth union endorsement that Vin Gopal has received in his bid to unseat Republican Senator Jen Beck.

“I want to thank HPAE and their members for the overwhelming support,” said Gopal. “Particularly in our current political climate where healthcare and health services remain at risk, the mission that these nurses and health care workers represent is more important than ever before. I will be honored to represent these members in Trenton.”


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