Gopal Frustrated with Lack of Movement on Funding Negotiations
Gopal Frustrated with Lack of Movement on Funding Negotiations
June 21st, 2017
Long Branch - After the release of the Prieto-Sweeney funding compromise, no more details have emerged over how districts that received inadequate funding or lost funding who be fixed. Vin Gopal, candidate for State Senate in LD11 expressed his concern:
“I’m frustrated that another day has gone by in Trenton and nothing has been done to address the flaws in original school funding proposal. Like I said when this proposal was first released, while this plan helps some districts within Monmouth County, others are left struggling and that is completely unacceptable.
“I have made my concerns very clear to Democratic leadership and called on them to do everything they can to minimize the negative impact. Our schools should not have to scramble to rewrite budgets after suddenly being informed funds they thought were guaranteed may not materialize.
“Beyond that, we need to continue to focus on a long-term solution like the ones my runningmates, Assembly members Downey and Houghtaling have supported, that fully funds our schools. Every student needs to get their fair share, and even after the Prieto-Sweeney compromise, we are far from that.”