Republican Candidate Daryl Kipnis Throws His Support Behind Bob Hugin

SOMERSET, NJ, March 27, 2018 – New Jersey 12th District congressional candidate, and
Somerset attorney, Daryl Kipnis today announced his support and endorsement of Republican
Bob Hugin for U.S. Senate.

“I fully endorse and support the candidacy of my organizational running mate, Bob Hugin, for
U.S. Senate in New Jersey,” Kipnis said. "After we defeat our Democrat opponents in
November, I look forward to working with Bob in Washington, D.C., to improve the lives of
people here in New Jersey and across the country. With his leadership in the Senate, we will put
an end to the current rancor and divisiveness blocking progress for our constituents and deliver
real solutions and results.”

Both candidates clinched the support from all four Republican county organizations in Mercer,
Middlesex, Somerset, and Union, with the last convention held on March 24 at Sayreville
Memorial High School in Middlesex County, earning the right to run under those organizations'
respective ballot lines and slogans in the June 5, 2018 Republican Primary Election.

Kipnis and Hugin are committed to making sure the district and state get back a greatly
increased percentage of tax dollars going to Washington in the form of federal infrastructure
grants, education funding, and jobs projects, which would offset high State and local tax

“We are 50 out of 50 in what we get back from Washington,” Hugin said. “That’s unacceptable.
I will be an independent voice for New Jersey that works across party lines to get our fair share.”

Kipnis agreed, saying "As a State in financial crisis, we can no longer afford to bankroll the
rest of the nation as a 'Sender State' while so many New Jerseyans are struggling to keep a roof
over their heads, our roads and bridges are in disrepair, and, worst of all, people in our State's
Capital and surrounding towns can't even drink the water. Bob and I will deliver the bold new
representative leadership in Washington and build the relationships necessary to secure a better
deal for New Jersey and all who live here.

“We have to make sure we have a seat at the table,” Kipnis said. “If you don’t have a seat at
the table, you’re for dinner."

According to Kipnis, New Jersey only sees somewhere between 50 and 60 cents returned for
each tax dollar sent to Washington.

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