Gottheimer Asks Governor Murphy to Declare a State of Emergency

Gottheimer Asks Governor Murphy to Declare a State of Emergency

WASHINGTON -- Today, Congressman Josh Gottheimer released the following statement requesting a State of Emergency:

"In light of the impending storm, I’ve asked the Governor to declare a state emergency to address the impact and damage from Friday’snor’easter and to get ahead of Wednesday’s looming storm. We have snow on the way, below-freezing temperatures, and thousands still without power, heat, and running water. Based on what I am hearing from mayors, other state and local elected officials, emergency responders, and residents, I believe this step is necessary to keep North Jersey families safe. We need to clear the downed power lines and get roadways open, so residents are safe ahead of the looming snowstorm. I commend the emergency responders and everyone on the front lines who are doing all that they can to help keep New Jersey families safe. I will continue to work with local, state, federal officials, and our heroic first responders to get Sussex and Warren Counties the help that they need."


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