Gottheimer Campaign Launches “Republicans for Josh”

Gottheimer Campaign Launches “Republicans for Josh”
Local GOP Business Leaders and Residents Back Gottheimer’s Re-Election Campaign
RIDGEWOOD, N.J. – Today, Tuesday, October 9, 2018, local Republican business leaders and residents joined Josh Gottheimer at Advisers Capital Management in Ridgewood to launch “Republicans for Josh,” a group of residents who have crossed party lines to support Gottheimer’s campaign.
Republicans who attended the endorsement event included Michael Lieberman, Partner at Advisors Capital Management; Joe Bossolina, President of McGee Amusements; Amy Eskilson, President and CEO of Inrad Optics; Candace Kristin Arslanian, CEO of Candace Kristin; Joe Cipolla, Owner of Cipolla Advisors LLC; Lauren Cohen, CEO of Lauren Cohen Nutrition; Enid Kossar, Emerson resident; and Eugene Lipkowitz, Antitrust Consultant.
“When I first ran for Congress, I pledged to go to Washington to work with both sides--Democrats and Republicans--to get things done,” said Josh Gottheimer. “Since the day I took my oath, I’ve been working to live up to that promise. That’s meant fighting with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to lower taxes, cut out-of-date regulations, support our small businesses, and stand up for Jersey Values. I’ve also had the honor of serving as the Co-Chair of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, and being ranked as the most bipartisan freshman Democrat by the non-partisan Lugar Center. I’m so grateful to all those who joined me today in Ridgewood, who, like me, believe in fiscal responsibility and Jersey Values, not rigid extreme ideology.”
"When he ran in 2016, Josh clearly set out his agenda to work in a bipartisan way to address the logjam in Washington. Now our situation is even worse, thank goodness we have Josh at this particular moment. He's courageously kept his word, often taking some political heat for it. But he's pushed ahead. He chairing the Problem Solvers Caucus, and championing other similar initiatives that he knows, we know, are the only logical way forward," said Amy Eskilson, President and CEO of Inrad Optics.
“My experience with Josh in terms of business is that he’s a centrist, he’s a moderate, he’s the kind of person who will get things done for the state of New Jersey. I’ve reached out to Josh, he’s helped me. I’ve reached out to him for other people, he’s helped them. Josh is the kind of person we all need to come around and support, because, at the end of day—when there’s a lot of disharmony in the country—eventually, we’re all going to have to deal with each other, and Josh is the kind of guy who can bring us all together,” said Joe Bossolina, an attorney and the President of McGee Amusements.
The Facebook Live stream of the event can be found HERE.