Gottheimer Joins Drakes, Community to Unveil Darren Drake Memorial in New Milford

Gottheimer Joins Drakes, Community to Unveil Darren Drake Memorial in New Milford

NEW MILFORD, NJ - On Sunday, November 18, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) delivered the keynote address at the unveiling of a new memorial to Darren Drake, the New Milford resident tragically killed in the terrorist attack in 2017, when an ISIS-inspired terrorist drove a rented pick up truck into the Hudson River bike path.

In July, Gottheimer introduced the bipartisan the Darren Drake Combatting 21st Century Weapons of Terror Act. The  Darren Drake Act would help us thwart lone-wolf, ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks by requiring that all vehicle dealers and rental companies match critical information on individuals against the government’s terror watch list. Rental companies would be required to instantly share this information with the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to flag any potential terrorist matches.

The Darren Drake Combatting 21st Century Weapons of Terror Act will also establish a much-needed, competitive grant program at the Department of Homeland Security to help state and local governments protect exposed public and pedestrian areas with security barriers and bollards.

Below are Gottheimer’s full remarks as prepared for delivery:

Thank you Mayor Subrizi, and the council, for all you did to make today to make this memorial come to life today. Thank you also to Assemblyman Tully, Assemblywoman Swain, and Senator Lagana for joining us here today, as well as Police Chief Frank Ramaci, Reverend David Miliken, and the New Milford High School Choir Ensemble. I know there’s many people here with law enforcement here as well, first responders, FBI and prosecutors and I want to thank you for your service. And I want thank my friends, Jimmy and Barbara Drake, for their undaunting courage and their tireless work in honoring Darren’s memory by helping make our community and our country a safer place to raise a family.

It’s really hard to believe that it was a year ago that we lost Darren -- a year ago that hundreds of men and women, young and old, came out and wrapped around the corner of Boulevard Funeral Home to pay their respects to a remarkable young man.  The New Milford community came together for Darren, for the Drakes and for our broader North Jersey community. We’re standing here today in honor of Darren and his remarkable life and spirit. But, beyond that, we’re here to ensure that Darren’s legacy lives on through action for good, by helping others succeed by protecting families in our great country and in our state.

Darren, much like myself, was a fan of history. In fact, that day in October, Darren was on his usual bike ride, listening to his audiobook, Charles Mann’s 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus.

But then, as we all know, tragedy struck against Darren and the America Columbus discovered. A hate-filled, lone wolf, ISIS-inspired terrorist, ruthlessly and callously took Darren’s life and seven others – and, in the process, left behind a wake of sorrow for countless friends and loved ones.

Like so many others, I was heartbroken when I heard the news, and was determined to learn more about Darren.  With each story from Jimmy and Barbara, I was even more inspired and more determined to make sure Darren did not die in vain.

As his parents and friends could tell you, Darren loved this town and was committed to serving it. By 32, with degrees from two New Jersey colleges -- and working on a third -- and as President of the New Milford Board of Education, Darren had made it clear that everyone should have access to a good education no matter their walk of life or what field they chose to pursue. He took a particular interest in students looking to go into vocational training, and, eventually, into trade careers, which we know are particularly important these days.

Darren always put his family first. He was home for dinner every night - or, almost every night, as Jimmy tells me - with his family, where they share laughs, talk about their days, and discuss politics. Darren and Jimmy went fishing together often, enjoying each other’s company and the peacefulness of the outdoors.

As Jimmy told me, Darren was just a good kid. A good soul. Whether it was his work on the school board, at Moody’s, in class, or in politics, people just loved Darren – and Darren loved everyone.   I just wish, like so many others have said, that I could have had the honor of spending more time with him.

Darren’s loss is a jarring reminder that, as it’s said in Jeremiah, God has a plan for us, even if He does not reveal it. We look through a glass darkly.

Last year, about this time, Jimmy and I sat down in my office.  While he was still crushed by the immediacy of the loss and grieving, Jimmy had a plan. A plan to turn Darren’s loss into action for our country – a plan to help prevent other lone wolf terrorists from taking the lives of innocent, patriotic Americans like Darren.

While we have deployed fierce and formidable weapons in the fight against terror at home and abroad, and while we are blessed with the best men and women protecting us, at home and overseas including many here today, the Drakes and I believed that there is always more to do. More steps to protect our country from ISIS-inspired terrorists who have adopted trucks and vehicles as new weapons of terror.

So, standing right here at Borough Hall, together we introduced the bipartisan Darren Drake Act.  When it passes the House, it will help us thwart lone-wolf terrorist attacks by requiring that car and truck rental companies check critical information on individuals against the government’s terrorist watch list. Just like your information is checked by TSA before you’re allowed to board a plane, rental companies will be required to instantly share information with the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to flag any potential terrorist matches. The Darren Drake Act will also help state and local governments protect exposed public and pedestrian areas like along the Henry Hudson with security barriers and bollards.

The point is, we’re coming together today for memory and for action. Beyond the fight against terror, through the Darren Drake Foundation is also honoring Darren’s legacy with scholarships to students in the community seeking to continue their education through vocational training - exactly what Darren would have wanted.

I was honored to have Jimmy and Barbara at the State of the Union earlier this year where not only did they get the meet the Republican cosponsor of the Darren Drake Act, but I got to see up close their love for our country and for our broader community. The Drakes, to me, embody what I means to have “Jersey Values”: having the backs of others, especially those who need it the most. Seeing the New Milford and North Jersey community come together this fall for the Darren Drake Foundation Walk was another reflection of these values.

So, today, we remember Darren and recommit ourselves to honor his memory by taking joy in our family, our friends, and our communities, and making sure our communities have educational opportunities for everyone, and by doing everything in our power to fight terror and ensure no family has to go through what the Drakes have in the future. Thank you to everyone for being here, to the town for their leadership, to Jimmy and Barbara, whose courage and resilience inspires me and so many every single day, and thanks to all of you for being here today to celebrate Darren. Let’s never forget that we live in the greatest country in the world, with the best men and women protecting us at home and abroad. Because of that, I know that our best days will always be ahead of us.

Thank you, may God bless you and the Drake family, and may God continue to bless and watch over the United States of America.


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