Gottheimer, Reed Highlight “Break the Gridlock” Reform Package on the Road

Gottheimer, Reed Highlight “Break the Gridlock” Reform Package on the Road

Problem Solvers Caucus Plan Key to Getting More Bipartisan Bills Floor Votes

Elmira, NY -- Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Tom Reed (R-NY) discussed the Problem Solvers Caucus’ “Break the Gridlock” rules reform package to a group at Elmira College in Elmira New York. The caucus announced the package at the end of session in August and will spend September building support for the package among colleagues in the House.

“The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus works the way Washington is supposed to work. You get to know your colleagues on both sides of the aisle. You develop relationships. You work together. And you figure out how to solve problems for the people of your district,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “I am always proud to call Tom a partner in breaking the gridlock in Washington and getting to yes on common-sense solutions for our country, but I am even more proud to call Tom a friend. Thank you, Tom, for inviting me to visit you in your hometown of Corning and for hosting this event at Elmira College.”

“The Problem Solvers Caucus is working to change the culture in Washington. A culture that believes in attacking problems not people,” said Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23). “Josh and I work to lead conversations about some of the nastiest and most politically divided issues facing our nation – and together – have put forward bipartisan proposals and changes to the House rules to solve problems for the people back home and get Washington working again. I am proud to call Josh a friend and would like to thank him for joining me in Elmira today.”

The package includes -- among others -- proposals to give fast-track priority consideration to bipartisan legislation and guarantees markups on bipartisan legislation from every Member of Congress.

To encourage consensus driven governing, the package would also replace the current “Motion to Vacate the Chair."

The full list of goals and proposals in “Break the Gridlock” can be found HERE.

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