Gottheimer Stands with 9/11 First Responders as Compensation Funds Slashed, Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Victims, Families, and Heroes
STATEMENT: Gottheimer Stands with 9/11 First Responders as Compensation Funds Slashed, Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Victims, Families, and Heroes
GLEN ROCK, NJ -- Today, Congressman Gottheimer released the following statement on news that the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) would begin cutting future awards.
"It's completely unacceptable that the United States would abandon those that protected us in our darkest hour. We have a solemn duty to care for every single person, like Detective Zadroga, who was called to duty after 9/11,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). "I am proud to be an original cosponsor of the Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Act which will fully fund and extend the VCF established by the Zadroga Act. I will always stand with 9/11 victims and their families and I will never stop fighting for them. They were heroes who stood up against terror and stood by our heroes.”