Gottheimer Statement on the Conference Committee’s Tax Hike Bill

Gottheimer Statement on the Conference Committee’s Tax Hike Bill

Today is a dark day for New Jersey families and businesses. The Conference Committee’s proposed SALT "fix" to the Tax Hike Bill is insulting to our intelligence, demeaning to our hard-working families and small businesses, disastrous to our property values, and condemns our state to another recession. Their version of "fixing" this problem involves more benefits for Moocher states, paid for, once again, on the backs of Jersey families.  Put another way, we’ve just been robbed by a bunch of Moocher States.

I would love to bring actual tax cuts to the overtaxed people of New Jersey's Fifth District. That is why my Gottheimer-Lance Tax Cut Plan would preserve the State and Local Tax Deduction in its entirety, cut our deficit, and keep taxes down for businesses of all sizes. It’s also why I’ll keep working around-the-clock to fight this Tax Hike Bill to the end.


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