Gottheimer Urges Immediate Action on New SALT Tax Cut Opportunities
Gottheimer Urges Immediate Action on New SALT Tax Cut Opportunities
WASHINGTON -- Today, New Jersey released rules that will allow local governments to fight back against the federal Tax Hike Bill and accept property tax bills in the form of charitable contributions. Similar to thirty-three other states, mostly Red States, the New Jersey charitable deduction plan helps offset the gutting of the SALT tax deduction. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) urged local governments across the state to engage in the program, create charitable funds, and deliver tax cuts to interested constituents:
"New Jersey is following through on its promise to punch back against the federal Tax Hike Bill and the Moocher States in every way possible. It’s time for tax cuts for New Jersey families and businesses. To fight the IRS and prevent the Moocher States from stealing from New Jersey, every Mayor, Council, and Committee should implement these rules and deliver a tax cut to interested constituents. When the average 2016 SALT deduction for a county like Bergen was $24,783, we cannot afford to take a pass on this fight with the IRS.”