Gov. Christie: My Job Is To Give People Opportunities To Succeed, And You Have Made Something Of That

Gov. Christie: My Job Is To Give People Opportunities To Succeed, And You Have Made Something Of That


Governor Christie: Congratulations goes to all of you, you know, what I do in this job is to try to give people opportunities to succeed. Right? You give opportunities to succeed and then the story becomes what did you make of it? And that’s why it’s such a great story is because all of you have made something of that opportunity. You didn’t waste it, you used it and to hear about all of you now taking care of children who otherwise would be in foster care, feeling abandoned, feeling alone, and we know what that will do to a kid long term, right? We know how hard that would be and there’s nothing in the world that matters to a child more than the love and the presence of their parent. And so this is what this does and you know that’s going to mean that the next generation of children in New Jersey are going to have a better chance at starting off at a better place. We don’t know where they’ll end up that’s up to them, all right, we can only do so much but if you start them off at a better place how great is that? We’ve done part of our job so I’m thrilled for you and really want to come here and announce the expansion of the program with people who have benefitted from it to let you know that because of how well you’re doing you’re going to give a whole bunch of people in Middlesex County now a chance, to have the same chance you had. If you had failed at it, it would be a lot harder for me to go to the legislature and justify spending more money on this program, but I can go to them and say we have to expand this program, we need to spend more money because look at the success stories we've had in these other counties. And so part of what you should feel good about today and why I'm willing to do it in this setting and not just in Trenton was to let you know that as much as me you are responsible for the increased opportunity for people in other parts of the state because of your success, because I can point to each and every one of you and justify spending this money to the taxpayers and to the legislature and say now this is a successful program. This is a program we got to support and expand and its cause of you. So you're paying it forward by being successful and showing people that if we provide the resources and opportunity to people to have a meaningful second chance there are lots of people in this state who are going to make the most of that and have a better life. And you guys have a better life because of it and that's what we're shooting for so congratulations.


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