Gov. Christie: NJ Is Building One Of The Finest & Most Reliable Transportation Systems In The Nation

Gov. Christie: NJ Is Building One Of The Finest & Most Reliable Transportation Systems In The Nation


Governor Christie: We know that in New Jersey, the need for improved transportation systems all the time, is very, very important. And keeping that transportation network safe, upgraded and highly maintained is essential to our overall economic climate, access to public services, as well as our quality of life. As we begin the first full year of these new, enhanced Transportation Trust Fund investments, residents are going to start seeing the work going on in every area of state, on roads and bridges and mass transit to improve safety, increase efficiency and enhance the travel experience. When I signed the job-creating and tax-cutting TTF plan last October, I promised the people of New Jersey they would see their tax dollars at work immediately, and based on the progress that we have already seen in the last, just few months, they can rest assured we will have one of the finest and most reliable systems in the nation. We’re here at the Route 206 preservation project, it’s going to ensure safety and preservation of this eight-mile stretch of Route 206 from Bedminster, Somerset County, to Chesterboro, in Morris County. These improvements will enhance ride quality, extend the service life of the existing pavement and save future rehabilitation cost for tax payers. And equally important, the 22,00 motorists who drive this roadway each day will have a more pleasant and safer experience. Our Department of Transportation will start this project next month. It involves applying a seal to the highway, which is mostly a single lane in each direction with small sections of two lanes in certain parts. Overall, the pavement preservation project is part of a larger $6 million project that involves seven miles of Route 46, from White Township to Independence Township, in Warren County, and 3.3 miles of Route 208 from Fair Lawn to Glen Rock, in Bergen County. These three projects in total, will impact 110,000 motorists every day and will be completed later this year.


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