Governor Chris Christie Issues 26 Clemency Orders

Governor Chris Christie Issues 26 Clemency Orders

Trenton, NJ – In keeping with the Administration’s policies of creating second chances for deserving individuals, Governor Chris Christie today issued 26 orders for clemency including one order for a commutation of sentence.

All 26 actions involve individuals with records covering a range of criminal offenses. Since taking office, Governor Christie has issued clemency to 55 individuals, including today’s actions, involving 52 pardons and 3 commutations of sentences.

Adrian Rubio
Altorice D. Frazier
Amy M. Armbruster
Angel Manuel Cordero
Antonio S. Giarratano
Antonio J. Scott
Brandon Michael Fregm
Brian D. Aitken
Brian Murphy
Christopher Charles O’Sullivan
Daniel Edward Nealis
Daniel Gonzalez
Enrico ImBrogno
Hisashi K. D. Pompey
Jane Dwyer Lee
John D. Pjeternikaj
John L Twist
Joseph T. Molnar
Julia Spolarics Buccini
Larissa L. Remo
Lisa A Pyatt
Meghan Fellenbaum
Porfirio Antonia Escobar
Steven J Pongratz
Thomas SzaroTommy D Odom

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