Governor Murphy Announces Release of GUNStat Report

Governor Murphy Announces Release of GUNStat Report

From the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General:

Residents can visit to Access Monthly and Quarterly Gun Crime Reports

Hackensack, N.J. – Governor Phil Murphy, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and Colonel Patrick Callahan announced today that the first GUNStat Report, which provides the public with monthly and quarterly reports of gun-crime statistics, has been released and is now available to the public on the Office of the Attorney General and New Jersey State Police websites.

On Friday, April 6, 2018, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order 21, which mandates the publication of information related to guns used in the commission of crimes statewide.  GUNStat reports will ultimately increase public awareness about the effects of gun violence by providing data to the public on gun crimes and the source states from which these crime guns are flowing.  The reports will additionally serve as a tool to recognize trends in criminal activity related to guns and will enable law enforcement to work collaboratively to protect the residents of New Jersey.

The comprehensive monthly report breaks down the number of guns recovered by county and city and additionally lists the type and caliber of gun, number of individuals arrested with more than one crime gun, total crime guns recovered, and a breakdown of shooting victims.  The report will also identify the “Source States” of crime guns.  Seventy-seven percent of guns used in crimes committed in New Jersey come from other states.  The GUNStat Quarterly report lists the top 15 “Source States” from where these guns originate.

“All New Jersey residents deserve to live in communities that are safe, secure, and free from gun violence,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “With these monthly GUNStat reports, we are providing crucial information to our residents and leaders so they have a fuller understanding of the impact of gun violence and the effects of firearms trafficking experienced in our state. Fighting this epidemic is a burden we all share. As a community, we must work together to keep our neighborhoods safe and to keep guns out of the wrong hands.”

“With 77% of crime guns used in New Jersey coming from other states, we must think outside of the box to remedy gun violence in our communities. Our own laws in New Jersey can only do so much to stem this flow of guns, so I applaud Governor Phil Murphy, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and Colonel Patrick Callahan for their work and leadership on the first GUNStat Quarterly Report,” said Senator Loretta Weinberg.  “This is a logical, scientific, and methodical step forward towards a holistic approach to eliminate gun violence in New Jersey, and it is much needed.”

“Beginning today, people can easily see for themselves where guns are coming from and the impact they are having on our state. These reports show why it is important that we work together to take on gun crime - that we work with our county and local law enforcement partners to track every crime gun in New Jersey and work with our county prosecutors to get traffickers off the street. And that the ATF, a central partner in this fight, continue to investigate straw purchasers and bad faith dealers in other states because what takes place in North Carolina or Georgia affects us here in New Jersey,” said Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. “This issue is national, and knows no borders. Our efforts will continue to examine critical gun crime intelligence and implement real solutions.”

"The New Jersey State Police Regional Operations Intelligence Center has used the data contained in these reports, as well as other intelligence products, to work collaboratively with our law enforcement partners to remove guns from our neighborhoods and arrest offenders," said Colonel Patrick Callahan, Acting Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.  "The public will now have access to this data, which will provide a greater understanding of the origin of crime guns entering our state."

To view the most recent GUNStat report, visit 

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