Governor Murphy Appoints DeCotiis’ Partner Anton Lendor to Educational Opportunity Fund Board

Governor Murphy Appoints DeCotiis’ Partner Anton Lendor to Educational Opportunity Fund Board

On July 23, 2019, Governor Phil Murphy appointed DeCotiis attorney Anton Lendor to the New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (“EOF”) Board of Directors. The EOF was created by law in 1968 to ensure meaningful access to higher education for students that come from backgrounds of economic and educational disadvantage, and to contribute to the development of a college-educated public that reflects the diversity of the State. It provides financial assistance and support services, such as counseling, tutoring and developmental coursework, for low-income New Jersey residents who are capable and motivated but lack adequate resources for college study.

Anton Lendor is an Alumni of the EOF Program at Rutgers University, College of Engineering. After graduating from the College of Engineering, he has proceeded to accomplish himself professionally both as a Construction Manager within the construction industry and since 2014 as a Partner with DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP.

Anton Lendor is a member of the firm’s redevelopment, land use, commercial real estate and municipal law practice areas. Professionally and personally he has contributed greatly to the development of the City of Newark. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Lendor was involved with various Newark school construction projects and the construction of the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Additionally, he is a former commissioner of the Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. With DeCotiis as redevelopment attorneys for the City of Newark, Anton has worked as one of the lead Partners on several transformative redevelopment and public works projects within the City of Newark.

“I can think of no better choice for the Educational Opportunity Fund,” said Joseph M. DeCotiis, firm co-managing partner. “With Anton’s professional expertise and personal commitment to community development, he will do great things to promote educational advancement for talented New Jersey students who lack the means. Congratulations Anton!”

“As a former EOF Student, it is an honor to be appointed by Governor Murphy to serve on the EOF Board, and to give back to a program that is a part of my educational foundation. I’m looking forward to participating on the Board, and helping other young people achieve their goals.”

The EOF responsibilities include setting policy, approving regulations for program operation and student eligibility, developing the annual budget request for the statewide program, and supporting EOF undergraduate and graduate programs at public and independent colleges and universities.

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