Governor Murphy: Extend Democracy To The Green, Libertarian, Socialist Parties and All Independent Candidates During This Crisis

Governor Murphy: Extend Democracy To The
Green, Libertarian, Socialist Parties and
All Independent Candidates
During This Crisis
For Immediate Release For Immediate Release
April 7th, 2020
The Covid-19 crisis continues to unravel and put a heavy strain on our society, critical medical care system and overall resources. On March 19th, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 105, allowing for Democratic and Republican Parties to submit their petitions online, in addition to in person, and the Secretary of State to create an online form that allows voters to submit their signatures on petitions electronically.
The Green Party is a political party seeking ballot access for races this November. We are facing the same dilemmas the two mainstream parties faced recently with regards to collecting ballot petitions and signatures. We have two candidates Madelyn Hoffman- Hoffman For Senate and Craig Cayetano- Cayetano4council Hawthorne Ward 3 that are campaigning for the general election on November 2nd, and will be petitioning for our presidential candidate.
We have reached out to and have support from the Libertarian Party of NJ, the Socialist Party of New Jersey, the Green Party US Steering Committee and even Democratic Party candidates running this year. We have drafted a letter to send to Governor Murphy and NJ Secretary of State Tahesha Way Esq. In fairness, we request the same rule changes afforded to the two major political parties to protect the health and safety of petition gatherers and petition signers be applied to all independent candidates running for political office in 2020. We ask that this be announced now:
Set up for independent candidates the same protocol for filing electronically that was established for the Democrats and Republicans for the rest of the campaigns that will take place this year, including the presidential race.
Craig Cayetano, State Co-Chair said, “This battle isn’t just in New Jersey. Greens across the country are facing a stone-wall on this critical issue. We want equal and fair consideration for all parties and Independents especially during this pandemic. We have to work 2-3 times as hard to get signatures and are losing out on our main pathway which is door-to-door. For the safety of our signature gatherers, candidates and the populace I hope each state, especially New Jersey comes around on this immediately!”
Madelyn Hoffman, NJ Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in 2020 who garnered 25,150 votes in 2018 and came in third in that U.S. Senate race added, “All too often, those outside the two mainstream political parties get treated like second-class citizens when it comes to applying principles of democracy. I urge Governor Murphy to address the issue of independent political parties in the same way he addressed the difficulties and obstacles faced by Democrats and Republicans during these uncertain and potentially dangerous times. It is impossible for the Greens to safely gather the signatures needed to be placed on the ballot, either by going door-to-door or at large events or gatherings.We had to shut down that part of our campaign weeks ago. For our health and the health of people who would sign our petition, and to allow us to compete on at least a somewhat level playing field, we ask that you do the right and the fair thing -- allow all independent candidates to file their signatures electronically.”