Governor Murphy Signs Bills Into Law

The Governor has acted on the following bills today:
S-430/A-2726 (Pou, Oroho/Giblin) - Concerns certain real estate licensees
SCS for S-647/ACS for A-1186 (Beach, Cruz-Perez/Jones, Lampitt, Taliaferro) - Permits registered voters to receive mail-in ballots automatically for all elections under certain conditions
S-847/A-4076 (Turner, Diegnan/Jasey, Murphy) - Requires school districts to provide daily recess period for students in grade kindergarten through 5; permits denial of recess for violation of code of student conduct but student must be provided restorative justice activities
S-1247/A-2779 (Rice, T. Kean/Greenwald, Mukherji) - Authorizes certain local government utilities to impose additional connection fees; requires certain new credits and reductions for these fees
S-2645/A-4173 (Singleton/Pinkin, McKeon, Reynolds-Jackson, Murphy) - Makes various changes to New Jersey Infrastructure Bank’s enabling act
S-2763/A-4220 (Scutari/Carter, Kennedy) - Revises special charter for City of Plainfield
A-837/S-2446 (Land, Andrzejczak, DeAngelo, Mazzeo/Diegnan, Van Drew) - Requires public utility to charge veterans’ organization residential rate for service delivered to property at which veterans’ organization primarily operates
A-1531/S-522 (Zwicker, Lopez, Mukherji/T. Kean, Singer, Pou) - Revises law concerning reciprocity for out-of-State professional and occupational licenses
A-2178/S-1231 (Schaer, Calabrese, Wimberly/Sarlo) - Permits conduct of raffles at large sporting venues
A-2189/S-2092 (Lampitt, Downey, Danielsen/Ruiz, Corrado) - Requires school districts to include instruction on consequences of distributing and soliciting sexually explicit images through electronic means as part of New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
A-2193/S-1816 (Jones, Benson, Lampitt/Diegnan, Ruiz) - Directs State Board of Education to authorize computer science education endorsement to instructional certificate
A-2366/S-1786 (Vainieri Huttle, Mukherji, Benson/Weinberg, Stack) - Requires DOH to develop New Jersey Report Card of Hospital Maternity Care
A-3861/S-1046 (Quijano, DeAngelo, Giblin/Vitale, Gopal) - Concerns unemployment compensation and labor disputes
A-4169/S-2647 (Pintor Marin, Mukherji, Lampitt/Stack) - Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019
A-4170/S-2646 (Taliaferro, Carter, Caputo/Sweeney) - Appropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2019
A-4210/S-2728 (Armato, Freiman, Jasey/Codey, Oroho) - Appropriates $15,294,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects
A-4211/S-2729 (Reynolds-Jackson, Chiaravalloti, Andrzejczak/Greenstein, Bateman) - Appropriates $9.703 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for recreation and conservation purposes to DEP for State capital and park development projects
A-4228/S-2771 (Murphy, Conaway, Space/Singleton) - Requires SHBP and SEHBP to establish and contract for Medicare Primary Assignment and Audit Program ensuring that all persons in SHBP and SEHBP eligible for Medicare have Medicare as primary provider
A-4255/S-2793 (Andrzejczak, Land, Mazzeo/Van Drew) - FY2019 supplemental appropriation of $1.2 million to Shellfish and Marine Fisheries Management for Bureau of Marine Fisheries in DEP