Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Ending Moratorium on Utility Shutoffs, Establishes Six-Month Grace Period for All Customers

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Ending Moratorium on Utility Shutoffs, Establishes Six-Month Grace Period for All Customers
“Many of our impacted New Jersey families are just now getting their financial feet back under them after a very tough year,” said Governor Murphy. “Everyone deserves the opportunity to work with their utility provider and enroll in a fair and equitable payment option to ensure that vital, and in some cases life-preserving, services are maintained. Let me be clear, even with this step today, no one will face disconnection of their gas, electric, or water services before the end of the grace period on December 31 and we fully expect every utility provider to work with their customers in good faith.”
“NJBPU has tremendous empathy for the economic difficulties many of our fellow New Jerseyans have faced as a result of the pandemic,” said New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Joseph L. Fiordaliso. “As we begin to return to a sense of normalcy, NJBPU and Governor Murphy continue to focus on helping anyone who has fallen behind on paying their utility bills. During the grace period following the end of the moratorium, we urge anyone who has struggled to pay their bills to apply for our assistance programs and to contact their utility to make payment arrangements.”
“Even though the moratorium on utility shutoffs is coming to an end, we won’t be abandoning our commitment to helping New Jerseyans get through this public health crisis,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, who serves as Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs. “Now that the restrictions are being lifted and people who have been out of work are reentering employment this 6-month grace period will allow people time to apply for assistance and get the help they need now. We encourage people to apply for help with their utility bills and arrears by visiting”
For the full text of Executive Order No. 246, please click here.