Governor Murphy Signs Legislation into Law to Strengthen Student Safety

Governor Murphy Signs Legislation into Law to Strengthen Student Safety
S-414/A-3381 (Pennacchio, Bucco, Ruiz /Downey, Webber, Lampitt, Lagana) - Requires school districts, charter schools, nonpublic schools, and contracted service providers to review employment history of prospective employees who will have regular contact with students to ascertain allegations of child abuse or sexual misconduct.
“Ensuring our children are safe when they go to school every day is our number one priority,” said Governor Murphy. “By requiring public, charter, nonpublic schools and contracted service providers to perform a detailed investigation of prior employment histories of applicants who are applying for jobs entailing regular contact with students, this common-sense legislation will begin to fill a serious gap in our hiring system. Parents should have the peace of mind that their children attend school in an environment in which they can safely learn, grow, thrive and succeed.”