Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Providing Protections For LGBTQ Community, The Garden State Film And Digital Media Jobs Act, And PFRS Management Transfer Bill

Governor Murphy signed three bills today to provide protections to the state's LGBTQ community, signed the Garden State Film and Digital Media Jobs Act, and signed legislation transferring management of PFRS to the newly created PFRS Board of Trustees.

TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy today signed three bills that will provide critical protections to New Jersey’s LGBTQ community. Senate Bill No. 478 will allow for the issuance of amended birth certificates for people who have undergone a change in gender, Senate Bill No. 493 will allow gender identity to be reflected on death certificates, and Senate Bill No. 705 will establish a Transgender Equality Task force.

“Today is an important day for New Jersey as we continue to strive toward equality for all of our residents, regardless of sex or gender expression,” said Governor Murphy. “Allowing vital records to match gender identity is an important step forward that will allow transgender individuals to control the disclosure of their transgender status. And by creating a Transgender Equality Task Force, New Jersey can ensure that all residents receive the protections they deserve. New Jersey will continue to stand with our LGBTQ residents in the continued pursuit of similar rights nationwide.”

"I am immensely proud of Governor Murphy for not only standing with our community, but also seeing that equality reaches everyone in New Jersey. Transgender people have long stood in solidarity with LGB people and here at Garden State Equality we make sure nobody is left behind,” said Christian Fuscarino, Executive Director of Garden State Equality.

S478 is designated as the Babs Siperstein Law, recognizing transgender advocate Babs Siperstein for her tireless advocacy efforts related to protecting transgender individuals and expanding rights for LGBTQ New Jerseyans.

S478 was sponsored by Senator Joe Vitale, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, Assemblywoman Valerie Huttle, Assemblyman Reed Gusciora, Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker, and Assemblyman Nick Chiaravalloti.

S493 was sponsored by Senator Vitale, Senator Nia Gill, Assemblywoman Huttle, Assemblyman Tim Eustace, Assemblyman Nancy Pinkin, Assemblywoman Mila Jasey.

S705 was sponsored by Senator Teresa Ruiz, Senator Vitale, Assemblywoman Huttle, Assemblyman Eustace, Assemblywoman Pinkin, and Assemblywoman Jasey.

Governor Phil Murphy today signed Senate Bill No. 122, the Garden State Film and Digital Media Jobs Act, after the Legislature concurred with recommendations that he made to the bill. The bill provides film and television production companies with business tax and gross income tax credits for certain expenses incurred while filming in New Jersey. The legislation will encourage production companies to locate in New Jersey, spurring economic growth and industry development.

“The film and digital media industry is poised to become a dynamic part of New Jersey’s economy, one that will create good-paying union jobs and countless residual benefits to the economy,” Governor Murphy said. “By signing this legislation, we are allowing these companies to take advantage of New Jersey’s unique culture, location, and geography. I look forward to seeing the many projects that will come out of our great state thanks to the Garden State Film and Digital Media Jobs Act.”

The bill was sponsored in the Senate by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg and Senator Paul Sarlo and in the Assembly by Assemblyman Gordon Johnson, Assemblyman Paul Moriarty, and Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald.

“We have been fighting for these credits for eight years,” said Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg. “I am grateful that Governor Murphy saw the value in them. The film industry has deep roots in New Jersey. Fort Lee is where the movie industry began. These credits will ensure that New Jersey remains a player in this constantly evolving industry.”

“I want to thank Governor Murphy for signing this important legislation. We will now be able to advance our objective of reinvigorating the film and digital media industries In New Jersey,” said Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairman Paul Sarlo. “There is a natural synergy between digital technology and the film industry. We want to position New Jersey at the forefront of new developments, new technologies and future opportunities.”

“Not only will this bring more jobs and revenue to New Jersey through the increased number of films that will be shot here, but crew members will then eat, sleep, and do countless other things in our great state,” said Assemblyman Johnson. “This will help Main Street first and foremost.”

“There are so many parts of our beautiful state which could be utilized for film, and so many of our residents who could contribute to these films,” said Assemblyman Moriarty. “This new law will put the infrastructure in place to realize these possibilities.”

“With the invention of the world’s first movie camera by our very own Thomas Edison, New Jersey is known as the birthplace of the film industry, yet we’ve seen a decline in film and television productions over the last several years,” said Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald. “This is a strategic investment that will not only make New Jersey a leader in this industry once more, but it aims to create long-term jobs throughout our state and will stimulate our economy.”

In addition to the creation of financial incentives for film and digital media companies, the bill also incentivizes companies to make significant efforts to hire diverse cast and crews. The Economic Development Authority will verify that production companies have made good-faith efforts toward that goal before receiving additional incentives.

The law will take effect immediately.

Governor Phil Murphy today signed Senate Bill No. 5 after the Legislature concurred with recommendations made by the Governor to the bill. The bill will transfer the management of the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS) to a newly constituted Board of Trustees of PFRS. The bill will allow for members to oversee their own investments, while also stabilizing the value of the pension fund.

“It is critical that those who have paid into the pension system are comfortable that they will be able to retire with dignity,” said Governor Murphy. “Labor is the backbone of many New Jersey families. The state must move forward with stable, reliable pension payments and this bill is a good first step toward making sure that our retiring police officers and firefighters feel secure as they move toward retirement, while also protecting the financial interests of taxpayers.”

The PFRS legislation will require an actuary to certify the long-term viability of the pension fund, a critical safeguard to ensure stability. Additionally, the Treasurer would continue to the set the rate of return for the PFRS fund, but the Board would set its own internal targets.

The bill will take effect immediately.

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