Governor Murphy Takes Action on Legislation

A1053 w/GR (Houghtaling, Taliaferro, Andrzejczak/Van Drew) – Revises and expands laws on trespass and vandalism on agricultural and horticultural lands.
A2762 w/GR (Greenwald, Mukherji, Conaway/Ruiz, Singleton) – Revises law concerning temporary disability leave.
Copy of Statement on A2762 w/GR
A2763 w/GR (Greenwald, Downey, Pintor Marin/Cruz-Perez) – Requires additional data in annual temporary disability and family leave insurance reports.
Copy of Statement on A2763 w/GR
A3683 w/GR (Murphy, McKnight, Jones/Madden, Vitale) – Authorizes parking privileges for certain healthcare workers who render care at patients’ home residences.
A3703 w/GR (DeAngelo/Cryan, Sweeney) – Revises ownership standards and exemptions under HVACR license law.
A3754 w/GR (McKnight, Speight, Barclay/Madden) – Exempts persons providing hair braiding services from licensure requirement, requires registration of hair braiding establishments.
A3808 w/GR (Greenwald, Bramnick, Murphy/Singleton, Oroho) – Provides for prompt payment of public contracts for purchase of goods and services.
A4118 w/GR (Swain, Tully, Murphy/Ruiz, Diegnan) – Permits individuals to submit TDI and family temporary disability leave claims to DOLWD prior to commencement of leave under certain circumstances and requires timely payment of benefits for such claims.
Copy of Statement on A4118 w/GR
A4181 w/GR (Jones, Murphy/Cruz-Perez) – Clarifies that employees of renaissance school projects are in State administered retirement systems.
Copy of Statement on A4181 w/GR
A4230 w/GR (Burzichelli, Mukherji, Houghtaling, Downey/Gopal, Sarlo) – Changes use of certain revenue derived from sports wagering at racetracks.
A4495 (Pintor Marin/Sarlo, Singleton) – Amends provisions regarding tax base and operative dates relative to CBT and combined reporting; provides CBT deduction in amount of certain foreign-related income; clarifies tax treatment of certain tax credits awarded by EDA.
Copy of Statement on A4495
A4496 (Burzichelli, Moriarty/Singleton) – Provides for collection of sales tax by marketplace facilitators and certain remote sellers, and clarifies collection of taxes related to hotel and transient accommodation occupancies.